9lb Review
I found this really amusing, just one or two little comments:
1) The voice acting at the beginning lacked a little something, just up until it pauses for you to be threatened by Carrotman. Otherwise I thought the rest of the voices were really well done and fit the characters.
2) The shot of Carrotman's TV was just a little bit too long I think, felt like it stalled the action a bit.
3) When Carrotman shoots the narrator, it wasn't immediately obvious to me who he was talkng to and I had to watch it again to work out what was going on. Perhaps just for that brief moment put a bit more emphasis on the difference between the voices of the narrator and the Carrotman. Or perhaps have Carrotman voiced by somebody else to make the difference more marked?
Otherwise I really enjoyed this and am now going to go and find the second half. Keep up the references! :)